The film ‘Ayyare’ is all set for release on January 20. Rajendra Prasad is the lead actor. Ayyare faced several hurdles before it got clearance for release. The film is reported to be based on the life of the infamous sex Swamy Nityananada.
Swamy Nityananada. even went to court to stop the film from being released. While Rajendra Prasad is an accomplished actor who can ensure good turnout for his films, it is going to be different scene this time. Swamy Nityananada. famous escapades with actress Ranjita could be the big draw for the film. While the film makers have announced that the film is not based on the swamy, it is the name of Nityananada that is sure to draw crowds to the theaters on Friday.
Swamy Nityananada. even went to court to stop the film from being released. While Rajendra Prasad is an accomplished actor who can ensure good turnout for his films, it is going to be different scene this time. Swamy Nityananada. famous escapades with actress Ranjita could be the big draw for the film. While the film makers have announced that the film is not based on the swamy, it is the name of Nityananada that is sure to draw crowds to the theaters on Friday.